I am coming to you from the haunting beauty of coastal South Carolina, a much needed vacation. Last night, I slept out on the screened balcony among the rustling branches of 30-foot magnolia trees and palmettos. As I stretched awake this morning, the birds and cicadas forming a symphonic 6:00 AM alarm clock, the sun insistent against one side of my face, I felt what can only be called adoration.
It reminded me of something I heard about a few years ago: sacred bookends. When the pandemic started, a close friend shared that every identical quarantine day was book-ended by coffee in the morning and wine in the evening. As delightful as that sounds, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean sacred bookends: a ritual in the morning and a ritual at night that touches a deeper part of you and acknowledges the miracle of our living selves. A whispered prayer, a short reading, a mindful stretch, a song, observing the very breath that keeps us alive. And it doesn't have to be involved or lengthy. During a fairly rough season in my life, I forced myself to say thank you every morning when my feet swung out of bed and touched the floor. Uttering those two words every day had the effect of refining how I navigated that season, and I now find myself saying thank you again for that very fact. I believe it is impossible to live well in a holistic way without first accessing that Something that lifts you out of ordinary life. For some, that is God, for others it may be earth, the universe or Source, or simply nature or love or the very existence of life. Perhaps it is a longing for something that can't be named. (If you want to read an interesting commentary on longing, see the quote I share below.) I encourage you to identify some sacred bookends and give them a trial run. Tweak them if you need to. Or let them evolve on their own. My bookends of today are certainly different from my bookends of only a few years ago. And sometimes I fail to do them, because I'm too tired, or I'm dragged into something more urgent first thing in the morning. Accept the inevitable imperfection of the practice, so that you can take pleasure in your sacred bookends and give them a chance to become as important to you as food, air and water. Now, here's that quote I promised you: “In speaking of this desire for our own far off country, which we find in ourselves even now, I feel a certain shyness. I am almost committing an indecency. I am trying to rip open the inconsolable secret in each one of you ~ the secret which hurts so much that you take your revenge on it by calling it names like Nostalgia and Romanticism and Adolescence; the secret also which pierces with such sweetness that when, in very intimate conversation, the mention of it becomes imminent, we grow awkward and affect to laugh at ourselves; the secret we cannot hide and cannot tell, though we desire to do both. We cannot tell it because it is a desire for something that has never actually appeared in our experience. We cannot hide it because our experience is constantly suggesting it, and we betray ourselves like lovers at the mention of a name. Our commonest expedient is to call it beauty and behave as if that had settled the matter. Wordsworth’s expedient was to identify it with certain moments in his own past. But all this is a cheat. If Wordsworth had gone back to those moments in the past, he would not have found the thing itself, but only the reminder of it; what he remembered would turn out to be itself a remembering. The books or the music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust to them; it was not in them, it only came through them, and what came through them was longing. These things—the beauty, the memory of our own past—are good images of what we really desire; but if they are mistaken for the thing itself they turn into dumb idols, breaking the hearts of their worshipers. For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.” ~ C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, 1941 Except this isn't about our history, it's about our health. Eat up! Dear friends, I recently had reason to rest and recuperate for a while after what I'm hoping is a final breast reconstruction surgery. How blessed I have been with the medical care in this area, and the loving support of friends, family members and even total strangers. I have been using the downtime to complete my Master level as a Reiki practitioner. Reiki is an alternative wellness modality that is believed to have originated in Japan, but it may have roots in India, Tibet and/or China (being part-Chinese myself, I decided to use the Chinese characters above). Reiki uses the practitioner's hands on or just above the recipient's fully-clothed body to channel energy. If you are considering a Reiki session, I feel I should share my position on this beautiful practice:
I am a person of faith. I believe in God, my faith is very important to me, I have witnessed miracles, and I believe life would be way too hard to endure without leaning on my higher power. I respect all faiths, and I honor yours as well. I am also someone who believes in and loves science. I am in absolute awe of scientific progress, especially medical research and development, and I have seen it do incredible things in my own life and the lives of people I love. As I used to joke during my cancer treatment, I believe in meditation AND radiation! As such, I personally do not view Reiki as a healing modality, and I certainly do not have any special powers, healing or otherwise. I do believe in qi (or chi), the vital force or energy that flows through and connects all living things. And I believe in the body's wisdom . . . and its ability to calm and heal itself when it has the right support, medical and otherwise. In my experience, when one quiets the mind and body, that self-healing ability is intensified. Moreover, the love and power that comes from touch, or someone focusing positive energy on us, can do wonders for our overall well-being. That is what I bring to my Reiki practice. Reiki is useful for all sorts of conditions, for simple relaxation, for stress and anxiety, for people, pets (friendly ones only, please) and any living thing in your life. If you book a session to help with a medical condition, please know YOU and YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS are the ones doing the healing ~ not me. But I am absolutely here to bring loving touch and positive energy to you, so that you can be in the best mindset to do the hard and rewarding work of healing and taking care of yourself. With so much love, Nicole OCTOBER 💕 For my fellow survivors out there, way to go! For my clients and all the others still in it, keep going ~ with your screenings, with your medical team, with second opinions, with treatment, with genetic testing, in the kitchen, with alternative modalities, on your yoga mat, at the gym, in nature, in bed, in prayer, with your people. You can heal ~ you got this! #knowyourrisk #breastcancer #screening #selfexam #breastcancerawareness #eat #move #heal #rest #play #pray #mindfulness #mammogram #survivor
Please join us in beautiful Oakton, Virginia for an evening of mindfulness, festive food, yoga, community and a wine tasting. Reserve your spot HERE. I can't wait to usher in my favorite season with you!
Summer is a great time to host a wellness class, workshop or retreat at your home, workplace or community event. I have spoken and facilitated wellness events at local companies, law firms, churches, community organizations and private events. Contact me for more information and pricing.
Greetings! Spring has arrived!
I will be celebrating by flying to Wisconsin where it's calling for SNOW on April 1st. But that's okay, because I get to see my college kid! So a few important announcements: 1. I'll be traveling for portions of next week (spring break here in Fairfax County), so if I'm slow to respond, be patient ~ you know I'm never really far away. 2. The next Reboot is on the calendar and it's a special one ~ LIVING WELL: The Wellness Feast 14-Day Health Reboot starts on Friday, May 12th. Don't panic, I haven't suddenly turned hedonistic on you ~ we're still taking care of ourselves. But pleasure is definitely part of the plan. Why? Because the weather is warming up, summer is coming, and life is way too short to opt out of the things you love because you're _________ fill in the blank: out of shape? too tired? afraid of your bathing suit? too old? stuck in a rut? Not any more! I hope you can join us for this one, because it's going to be a game changer. You can read more about it below (and Members, don't forget this event is free for you ~ simply RSVP in the Members Area). In the meantime, GET OUTSIDE and be well! ~ Nicole THE WELLNESS FEAST 14-DAY HEALTH REBOOT: LIVING WELL The Wellness Feast 14-DAY HEALTH REBOOT starts Friday, May 12th, and we'll be focusing on LIVING WELL! This special Reboot will focus on all aspects of the GOOD LIFE, including movement, mindfulness, play, rest, connection, celebration and, of course, food. We'll feast on nutrient-rich, seasonal foods and reduce common toxins & "junk" over the course of two weeks. This is a custom protocol aimed at cultivating a love of whole foods, increasing energy, getting to know your body's true needs, and embracing the things that nourish your life. You will eat real food, meals and snacks. The Reboot is NOT a fast, cleanse or detox, and it is NOT intended to be a quick fix or crash diet. Rather, it provides you with an opportunity to reduce common sources of inflammation and build awareness, so that you can uncover the lifestyle habits that support your goals. We'll also learn about the importance of balance, progress over perfection, and avoiding "all or nothing" thinking and diet culture. The Reboot is a launchpad to your new normal, so you can HEAD INTO SUMMER with energy and a new perspective on what it means to live well. I will lead you through all 14 days, with full instructions, a video introduction, shopping lists and recipes, online video sessions on aspects of the Reboot, "do anywhere" movement suggestions, daily email support, a private Facebook group, live "check-ins" and more ~ all geared to your success and growth. In other words, you get an amazing wellness experience, plus me as your coach for two weeks. Your purchase also includes one 30-minute private coaching session with me via Zoom and a one-year Wellness Feast Membership (access to the Members Area and Member Resources pages of the website, chock full of exclusive content, tools, recipes, resources and more). After you complete your purchase, you will receive a short welcome e-mail from me and a link to set up your Membership password, followed by more detailed information the week before the Reboot starts. Here's to the GOOD LIFE! PLEASE NOTE this item is free for clients and current Wellness Feast Members. Does anyone read fashion magazines anymore? Back in the day, I loved when the latest issue of Vogue or Bazaar was crammed into my mailbox ~ a tiny NYC mailbox that I opened with a little key. And there was always an issue dedicated to aging stylishly. . . and slowly. February at Wellness Feast was loosely themed around love. Tomorrow is March, and I’ve decided to make it about the thing that’s been on my mind: aging well. I’m closing in on 53, and as a cancer survivor, I’ve learned not to get too hung up on aging ~ it is in fact a fabulous privilege. But I won’t lie, I’m not always thrilled about it. My body doesn’t always do what I tell it to anymore ~ running is totally out of the question, for example. My kids are growing up so fast, and I find myself longing to hear Sesame Street or Max & Ruby in the background as little feet and voices fill the house. And as Dolly so brilliantly stated in Steel Magnolias, “Honey, time marches on and eventually you realize it's marchin' across your face.” But I also feel more relaxed, a bit more capable, somewhat more forgiving of myself and others, and I laugh more. So I hope you’ll join me this month in exploring and celebrating all stages and ages of this wonderful life. Let’s step fully into this moment and fearlessly move forward with love, intention and curiosity. If you're not on the Facebook or Instagram pages yet, head on over there ~ it's a great way to keep in touch more often and share how YOU're leaning into your perfect age. Be well! I received the best compliment the other day from a client. She said, "This is exactly what I needed. Someone who has been through the kinds of things I'm dealing with. You've shown me how to stop being scared." I had tears in my eyes. Listen, every single person you know is going through stuff. Even the ones with the perfect Facebook pages. Life brings us loss, trauma, uninvited change, illness, broken hearts. But we can decide what to do with those experiences . . . because life also brings us second chances, unexplainable miracles, tiny moments of beauty, redemption. I look back at the last 10 years (and especially the last SIX, since my cancer diagnosis), and I feel awestruck. The things I've risen from, the things YOU've risen from. It's miraculous. Don't stop, keep rising!
(And by the way, those bathing suit pics up there? Yes, you can bet I take pretty good care of myself, eat tons of veggies, work out. But one of the many perks of beating breast cancer (including, you know, being ALIVE): new boobs, filled in with fat from my thighs. I'm all about transparency: no, I was not born this way. And if you find yourself in the scary but manageable position of needing breast reconstruction, I know a guy . . . and he's the best. I'm always happy to chat with anyone who's exploring their options. There are LOTS of mixed emotions involved, and there are LOTS of options.) XOXO ~ Nicole |
June 2024