Visualization is a word the "wellness industry" likes to throw around a lot. But it was an important element in my own life long before it was a buzzword. When I was very young, my father started teaching me about it regularly. I was so young, in fact, that I can't tell you the words he used. It has been a consistent message, almost like he was watering a plant. And it's not "visualize what you want and you'll get it." The closest thing I can compare it to is one of Dr. Wayne Dyer's principles of inner peace, treating yourself as if you're already who you want to be. But that's not quite it either. It's a focused visual exercise, nearly a mental rehearsal, where you experience it with all your senses, and there's a knowing involved. Several years ago, I found a guided visualization meditation that was profoundly useful to me ~ I have long since forgotten the source of the meditation, but I return to the exercise regularly. It is a deeply personal exercise, and I won't bore you with mine ~ I suspect it's a bit like telling people in great detail what your dream was the night before, and they stand there waiting to pour their coffee, nodding and smiling politely, hoping it wraps up soon. What I will tell you is that it works. And it doesn't mean you won't have hardships or things in your life that you certainly did not visualize, but I am learning to see my way through those moments, too. Because it's not about control, but about clarity, detail, intention, attention and a healthy dose of allowing God/the Universe/your inner guide/Spirit (the label does not matter) to give you what is right . . . at the exact right time. I encourage you to give it a try, as awkward as it may feel the first few times. And if you're having trouble or don't know where to start, shoot me a message and I can point you to some resources (not least of which is the Spring Wellness Retreat). For now, I am visualizing so much light and love connecting us all, a light that cannot be extinguished or divided. Wouldn't it be amazing and powerful if we all tapped into that together?
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December 2024