I hope you'll join us in September for the next 14-Day Health Reboot. Yes, we'll be upending and rearranging the way we eat, move, rest, etc. ~ all with the goal of forming new and healthier habits, reducing toxins and reconnecting with the way we nourish ourselves. But we're also doing something new this season. It's no accident that the 14 days lead to the Autumnal Equinox: that moment of BALANCE between day and night. Each day on the Reboot, I'll be providing something for you to reflect on . . . all in the theme of BALANCE. Don't miss this opportunity to identify the places in your life that need a little more or a little less. Let's be intentional about moving into the next season. Members, you can RSVP in the Members Area. If you're not a Member yet, you can get the Reboot here (and it comes with a year of Membership). See you soon!
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December 2024